We will periodically provide updated documents to download and links for more information on solar energy and the development of utility-scale solar projects.

Solar and Agricultural Land Use

Solar energy projects and agricultural land use can work well together. Learn more here.  

Solar in Ohio

Check out the Ohio Solar factsheet here to learn more about how Ohio ranks and the growth projections of solar in the state.

Solar Energy Basics

National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) – go here to learn more about solar energy.

U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy – go here to learn more about solar photovoltaic (PV) technology basics.

Economic Development in Ohio

Measuring the Economic Impacts of Utility Scale in Ohio. Read the article here.

The Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy provide information about the benefits of solar energy in Ohio here.

Health Risks

Read about the Health and Safety Impacts of Solar Photovoltaics here.